Day 1
The gathering point was Skobelevo vilage at 9:00. My farher gave me a lift. After a while Elin came, and then Niki Yotov, Vanya, Miti Yotov, Krasi Kostadinchev and two slovenian guys. After a short briefing the competition was started. The turnpoints were: TP1- Skobelevo vilage, TP2- Baba peak, TP3- Skobelevo vilage, Final- Sopot with radius 1 km.
We started together climbing the mountain and I immediatly noticed the good physical shape ot Elin and one of the slovenian guys. I had Garmin 76 CSX GPS with very detailed offroad map, but it was hard to use it because of its small display compared to Elin's smartphone. We were walking the three of us on the ridge from Skobelevo direction Triglav peak. The wind was moderate to strong from North and we assumed to be able to take off direction North (but nobody had ever done it before from this spot). Elin and the slovenian guy had a very good tempo wich helped us to get advantage on the others and in two hours we reached a sheep house.We asked for water. In this moment I figured out how important water is. Here we had a small break and thought about our strategies. According to the slovenian guy he had to walk along the central ridge of the mountain as the chance of the taking off in south direction was very low. Elin told us that he has no problem walking the entire day and obviously he intended to do so taking south. I decided to go to the Triglav peak and to overnight in the military buildings there so I could take off on the next day with the expected south wind. We took different directions and in a while we werent able to see each other any more. I chose a route in the middle between the ones of Elin and the slovenian guy. I tried to find a path wich I saw on the GPS. I saw Elin for short while in the distance and after that I met a tourist and asked him about the way to Tazha hut (to reach this hut would be my best effort for the day although I wasn't convinced that I could stand until there). I took the path and saw Elin again but this time a litlle bit closer. I stopped for a litlle break on the steep slope and I lost him again. I thoght : "He is a tоugh guy"! I continued walking on the slopes but then I notised that the north wind was weakening. I decided to have a break and I felt a light south wind. I thought that I could find a south slope and try to take off. I went down to a place that looked suitable and the feeling that I could take off was getting stronger. I was excited so I started walking faster. The adrealine was rising : "Is it possible to take of to south with this north wind from a place covered with sharp stones, small thorny plants and terraces?! The slope was inclined enough for taking off, but I didn't know if 100 meters ahead of me there was a precipice or the landscape was slant. When I almost reached the spot, from where I was planning to take off and thinking of my chances to succeed I saw Elin nearby, who was preparing for a flight :) It was funny, as both of us have taken different ways. He had already taken a look around and told me, that there are plumb rocks ahead and this is the best spot to take off. I went to check on the area as well - it was the best place indeed. We prepared our equipment quickly. I wanted to take a video with the camera. I knew there were interesting things to see and besides it's not every day, that I fly with a stanger, from an unknown place with unexpected chances. The vapors were rising in front of us almost vetically to the clouds. Obviously we could rely on a lift. Elin started first and me immediately after him. We cought a lift and started turning in different directions. I touched the cloudbase and took a breath. I had time to take a look at the beautiful cliffs and the landscape. Amazing! It is allowed to fly in the clouds - I had to check if I can navigate by my GPS and compass ( resently I haven't reached the cloudbase becouse I was always flying with an acro glider :). I reached 2574 amsl. - lets go. Its all white around me. I push on the speed system and I'm out of the cloud. I'm reaching Panitsite, geting more hight and continue the esternmost ridge of the Ravnets. Dhendema is fearsome and hackly! Its nice that I have enought altitude! Elin is on the left, a bit lower in front of me. A shadow covered the whole landscape. I thought that he would glide as far as he can and then continue walking, while I decidet to use the 0.5 m/s light termal and wait in the air for the conditions to get better. This strategy wasn't very succesfull. I started gliding as well and hoped to get a bit farther.It would be less walking. In this moment I noticed Elin gaining hight very fast, while I was sinking like hell В този момент виждам ,как Елин се вади хубаво ,а аз започвам да се давя. След дълго стъргане решавам да пусна към чистата полянка в подножитето ,огрята от слънцето, в близост до която има гора. Късмет- термиката тръгна. Набирам до 2222 мнв. и пускам към сопотския старт ,а там след леко намачкване и неестествено поведение на крилото решавам да се отправя по-назапад, за да потърся някакво истинско качване. Уви -от този момент нататаък всичко беше -2,5 / - 3.0 м/с пропадане до километър и половина преди Кърнаре.Очевидно падащият северен вятър от Беклемето ме натисна . Междувременно виждах как Елин прелита Розино ( селото в което не искам да се приземявам ). Скатавам екипировката и решавам да вървя пеш ,колкото мога по-напред. Часът е почти 17 и имам 3 часа до 20:00, когато по правило от състезанието ,трябва да спра движението си. Поемам пеша в жегата, минавам Кърнаре, после Розино и хапвам сливи и къпини по пътя, за да се освежа и хидратирам. Около 19,40 стигам до приятна крайпътна чешмичка, няколко км.преди разклона за Клисура, до която решавам да нощувам. Спалният чувал е на лице, а Мити ме снабди с шоколади ,бира ,игла и конец . ПОследните ползвах за да пробия няколкото мазола по краката си и оставя конеца за денаж (техниката е много добра и успешна). Чувам се няколко пъти с Ники Кожухаров, който през цялото състезание ми даваше информация (прогнози, местоположение на останалите) и беше човекът, който основно ми помагаше (казано с чуждата дума - Съпорт). Прогнозите за следващия ден са добри ,а Елин е само на 4-5 км пред мен. Решавам да отпочина добре под едно дърво, от другата страна на пътя. Ноща обаче беше безсънна, поради преумората през деня. Почти не спах, а около 03:00 изгря ярка месечина, която още повече затрудняваше спането ми ,тъй, като беше магнетично да се наслаждавам на гледката над мен. © 2011-2024 Всички права запазени